Janet`s October 2020 letter to the Community

Janet’s letter to the Community

At the beginning of the year I wrote two articles about saints whose feast days appeared in the month in question: St Valentine and St Patrick.  I had it in mind to focus on saints in 2020.  Then Covid-19 hit us and, as in so many other areas, a change of course was required.  But the 18th October is the Festival of St Luke.  St Luke was not only one of the four evangelists – he wrote the third Gospel – but he was also a doctor and is the patron saint of doctors and so, in this time of major health emergency, it seems appropriate to say something about him. 


We don’t know much of his biography.  He travelled with St Paul, who calls him “the beloved physician” (Colossians 4.14) and he supported Paul in prison.  He is thought to have been a Gentile, the only non-Jewish author of the books that make up our New Testament and as well as the Gospel of Luke, he also wrote the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.  His writing style shows that he was an educated man, and the content of his writing shows that he was a gifted observer of human behaviour.


The Gospel of Luke is remarkable for its attention to Jesus’ interactions with the marginalised of first-century Jewish society: women, Gentiles, the sick and disabled.  Luke’s account makes it absolutely clear that Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness is for all people, no matter their position in secular society.  Some of the best-loved stories of Jesus appear in this Gospel, including the Parable of the Prodigal Son, that speaks so beautifully of the overwhelming love and forgiveness of God, who delights in his returning child. 


We will be remembering St Luke on the 18th October, giving thanks for his life and witness, and for the service of all healthcare professionals, who have served us so well and so selflessly this year.  Do join us – and continue to pray for all who dedicate their lives to the care and healing of the sick.  We are very grateful.


 With continued prayers and every blessing for you all,



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