Sunday Squad (Sunday School) takes place during the first part of the 10 am Sunday Service, except for the second Sunday of the month, when Messy Church is running in the afternoon, or the last Sunday of the month, when it is an All-Age Service.
The aim of the group is to provide a friendly and welcoming space for children to find out more about their faith and the church. Activities are suitable for children from around 4 to 12 years of age. Sunday Squad takes place in the Community Centre and parents or carers can come with their children until they are happy to stay on their own.
A typical session may begin with a game or another relevant activity focussing on the theme of the Bible readings for that Sunday. One of the readings is shared with the group and discussion is encouraged, to explore its meaning and develop deeper understanding.
Further activities might include completing crafts to share with others after the service, a time of preparation or reflection, or a challenge to consider for the week ahead. The session ends with prayer, before the group returns to the main service.
Sunday Squad members regularly participate at an age-appropriate level in All-Age Services as well as special events, such as the Nativity Play presented to the congregation on the Sunday before Christmas Day, or fund-raising events for Christian Aid.
For further information, contact the Rev'd Janet Buchan at
or come to a Sunday morning service.