Janet’s March 2021 letter to the Community
When you read this we will be in Lent, traditionally a time for self-examination in preparation for the observance of Holy Week and the great celebration of the Resurrection at Easter. In this season of the Church year we remember especially the enormous generosity of God, who “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave … and became obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross” (Philippians, chapter 2, verses 7-8). God’s generosity in giving us life and all that we have, comes to a climax in the complete sacrifice of himself on the cross. In “normal” times we would be joining together with the congregation of St Cedd’s Roman Catholic Church in walking the Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent and calling to mind the appalling lengths that God was prepared to go to in order to win our salvation. This year we are unable to do this (although the St Cedd’s services will be available on YouTube) but the fact remains – God’s generosity to us is overwhelming.
The Diocese of Chelmsford is encouraging all churches to reflect on this truth and what it means for our own lives of faith, with a programme called “Generous God, Generous Disciples.” We at St Paul’s will be following a pattern of readings exploring this theme during the weeks of Lent. We will be invited to consider how we grow in discipleship, in the journey of becoming more and more like Jesus, as we examine our own response to God’s generosity, and how we are ourselves mirroring that generosity, in proportion to our resources and circumstances. As the Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral has recently said, Christianity is not only about belief. It is a practice – something that we do. It needs also to affect what we do with the money in our pockets. Growing in generosity is an essential part of growing as a Christian. There is more to follow. May I encourage you to come with me on this journey as we explore this vital part of our Christian discipleship
With every blessing,