Janet`s January 2020 letter to the Community

Janet’s letter to the Community

Happy New Year! So now we have another new beginning, not only the beginning of a new year, but also the beginning of a new decade. Who knows what the next ten years will bring? Beginnings can be exciting, challenging, even daunting, but we know that we travel with God, and although we are not promised a smooth and easy ride, we are promised that God’s presence will be with us, to guide and to strengthen us, to give us courage to make right decisions and to learn and grow through whatever life throws at us.

At this point of new beginning there is much that we don’t know, but there is one thing that is absolutely certain in life – and that is that this life will come to an end. Death is an inevitability. For Christians it is not something to be feared. We believe that we go into the fuller presence of God, who is Love. Given that we know that we will die, and that it is possible that we will need others to take care of us towards the end of our lives, why do so many of us fail to make proper preparations? Stan Halls has written of the importance of making a will, of leaving clear funeral instructions and of considering the creation of Lasting Powers of Attorney to make it possible for those we love and trust to make decisions for us if we become unable to do so. (*See Stan’s article Bucket List or Wish List.) I would like to support these suggestions. Making our wishes clear while we are able to do so means much less agonising for those we leave behind. Not making a will or setting down what we would like for our funeral does not mean that we won’t die! It just means others will have more work to do at a time of sadness and upheaval.

There is another advantage in taking these practical steps, and that is that it reminds us that this life is only temporary. It is precious and to be respected, but it is not all that there is. Greater things are to come. Acknowledging death means valuing life, and getting it into perspective.

So at this time of new beginning, can I encourage you to think about your end, and the plans that could be made to make arrangements simpler for others? After all, the end of this life is only the beginning of something much greater to come. And do be in touch if I can help.

With every blessing,


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